LLP Book Reviews
Little Fires Everywhere Book Review
Every week in 2018, I’m going to give you my latest book reviews from books I am currently reading. I love to read and tend to read a great deal of historical fiction, women’s fiction, christian perspective books and bible studies, as well as super fun YA novels (I love anything with dragons & fairies). How’s that for some diversity?!
The reviews expressed for Little Fires Everywhere and other books I share are based off my own opinions. They are not brought to you by any sponsors or solicitors. I just like to read and I like sharing what I’ve read with others.
This book is about a Mother and daughter who move to a rental home in a high end planned community and the ways the relationships are formed and broken simply from misunderstandings and perceptions that arise through social status. It is a very entertaining, easy read that is full of the fire that keeps you reading but also enough heart that makes you mull it over after you are done.
Having moved quite a bit myself and also being a photographer, I immediately felt a kinship with Mia and wanted to protect her and her daughter from the clear fate that was coming. Having lived in a planned community myself that was full of Stepford Mommies, I really bonded with Mia’s character and her cringe worthy interactions with the uppity Mom’s from the high end side of the neighborhood. I don’t believe Mia was a “bad” mom, just maybe a mis-understood artist.
I found the parent-child relationships foundational to the story on both sides of the track, as well as the age old question of “who is your family” – DNA or love? There is a side plot than involves adoption that brings this debate to the forefront. I think it solidified this book as a good one for book clubs because this theme is cause for deeper study and conversation.
This book easily could have gone the way of teen drama or trashy romance novels in a few parts, but Ng did a wonderful job of diving deeper and introducing several interesting subplots and side characters to the story.
I enjoyed the ending that while it wrapped up some issues nicely still left much to the imagination and interpretation of the reader.