Theisens | Golden, CO Family Portraits
Golden Family Lifestyle Session
Oh my goodness, this fall family portraits session in Golden, CO was just the BEST!!! I met the Theisens at the river front in Golden, CO and I fell in love with this family right away. They came dressed for their portraits in perfect fall tones of burgundy and blue. They also brought there sweet little beagle who kept everyone laughing! I love when clients bring pets to sessions. It helps everyone relax . He was totally ready for his time in front of the camera and helped everyone else have fun.
And the girls – they were so much fun and perfectly dressed for a fall session. I especially love a girl in glasses! The Theisen sisters were all laughs, especially when their dad carried them across the river so their shoes wouldn’t get wet! Hilarious and oh so chivalrous! They held hands and splashed in the water. They snuggled on steps and took turns taking headshots. I really loved getting to know the Theisen family and love how their family portraits turned out.
To book your own Family Portraits session in Golden, CO contact me here. Look at other family sessions on the blog and check out my Facebook page here!

All Images Copyright of Leighellen Landskov Photography