I Found Love
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
I Found Love is from the influential and ever-growing I Am Second movement featuring a short + sweet collection of stories that is sure to encourage you!
“Whatever you’re dealing with, love is what you need. If busyness has taken the place of connection and if virtual friends have replaced real ones, then these stories of genuine love are for you!” – I Found Love introduction

Yesterday we finally took down our tree. I was so sad when we were in the middle of it, but when I woke up this morning and saw my house so clean and bright, it gave me so much peace. I got to put out my gorgeous new @colinandfinn pillow covers that Jess made me. It gave me a whole new perspective. I think the hope that January often brings is that of a fresh start.
Are you feeling too burdened by your heartbreak, losses, and doubt to feel hopeful right now? Then this book is for you! This book reminded me that we are all broken, and all dealing with things and it’s so wonderful to read fresh words of encouragement and support to hang in there and keep going.

Inside this small book is a collection of short essays from some of your favorite stars. They share their experience of finding fulfillment despite their circumstances. Among them you’ll find:
- David and Tamela Mann share their struggle with anger and abuse
- Jason Castro talks over coming his pornography addiction
- Carrie Underwood discusses her miscarriages
- Stephen Baldwin shares his drug and alcohol struggles

This is what I call the perfect “bathroom read”. It would also make a great morning devotion. The chapters are short and each story coincides with a bible verse. Thank you SO MUCH to TLC Book Tours, I Am Second and Thomas Nelson for sharing this book with me!
There is currently a GIVEAWAY for this book on my instagram page that runs through 1/15/21. Head over there to enter! And you can always checkout my reviews on my blog. To purchase books, head to my Amazon shop.

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