Saltwater Secrets
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
Guest Review! I was asked by the publisher to provide an honest review of Saltwater Secrets by Cindy Callaghan. What better way to review a YA book than from an actual teen? My sons best friend, Lilly, offered to read this one for me. Here’s what she has to say:
Saltwater Secrets follows the story of two sisters, Jose & Stella, who share the same father but have different mothers. They spend all year apart living with their Moms but get to spend every summer together when they get see their dad. Set during the Sumer of their 8th grad year, this book follows a year of change for the girls. Stella wants to start doing things the older kids do and is concerned about being cool and popular. Jose is still childlike and innocent. She wants things to stay how they always have been.
“Sure Josie, nothing is gonna change. But like all perfect things it did.”
This summer feels different to both girls. Through a dual narrative timeline, the book hops back and forth between each girls perspectives. They both feel the tension between them and how they are drifting apart. At the same time, their favorite spots are also changing. Their snow cone place is now a smoothie shop. The smoothie shop is now a popular hangout but Josie is reluctant to try something new.
The smoothies are amazing but also healthy. No-one can figure out the secret recipe. But there are weird things happening at the beach. The pier is starting to shake. Some jellyfish are dying. Along the way they find out the smoothie shop is making the smoothie with an illegally imported berry from Australia and then dumping the runoff into the ocean! It’s the runoff of the berry that’s breaking down the pier and making sea animals sick.
Overall, this was a nice, easy summer read and a sweet story. We’ve all been at that point of trying to be popular or staying who we are and deciding who we want to be as we grow up. This book details the power of friendship as they had trials and tribulations but were able to overcome them.

Thank you to Cindy Callaghan and Aladdin Publishers via Booksparks for my gifted copy.