The Boyfriend Project
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
“So, the objective of this little project is to make ourselves better so that we can find boyfriends?” Samiah asked. “Hell no. It’s to make ourselves better because we deserve to be our best selves.”
The Boyfriend Project is a delightful little summer Rom Com full of strong female leads, girl power, and sass. I picked this up because @thechicklitbookclub chose it for a buddy read in June. I love buddy reads and bookclubs because I believe reading with friends adds to the experience. The extra bonus was about halfway through our read we found out that the author @farrahrochon was going to join us for a Q&A when we finished. So cool!
The Boyfriend Project begins with three young, professional women who come together over a shared dating catfish drama that unfolds very publicly on Twitter. Farrah says she got the idea from watching similar drama on her Twitter feed and imagined what would happen if the girls became friends! The girls decide to make a pact to improve themselves individually before diving back into the dating pool.
My favorite part of the book was the friendship of the girls. They back each other up, encourage one another, and push each other to be their best. I loved seeing such a healthy depiction of female friendship. Who doesn’t want a girl tribe like that? The other thing I loved was the strong STEM references and seeing black women in leadership roles throughout the book. One of the women is a pediatric doctor. Another works as an executive in the tech industry and is building an app on the side. Another is a small business owner and personal trainer. It was empowering and fulfilling to see three strong female leads carry this book.
“I have no doubts I would still accomplish everything I’ve set out to without any help. But having people who believed in me enough to offer their support gave me a leg up. I want to do that for others. I think this world would be a better place if more people reached out to help others.”
The romance took a back seat for me in this story. But it’s still a sweet part of the story as Samiah wrestles with meeting a man she likes during her promised draught. They get to know each other at work and they are tasked with working on a project together. Of course, more drama ensues as he’s not really who he claims to be. Go into this one ready to enjoy the friendships and stay for the romance.

To read more books by Farrah, head to her website. Then check out the rest of my blog for more book reviews! And to stay up to date with what I’m reading or to enter a fun giveaway for FREE books, follow along on my BOOKSTAGRAM account.