Happy Thanksgiving!
Stack Challenge
Happy Thanksgiving, my bookish friends!!
I know this year may look different than in years past, but I pray that you are still able to have a Happy Thanksgiving and to find small blessings and give thanks throughout your day.

I am so thankful for this community of readers!! First, for all of you that have joined in #mommaleighellensbookclub to deep dive into a book each month. For the friends who show up in my DM’s every day. For the stack challenges, buddy reads, and book swaps. This community has brought so many people together during a time when most feel isolated and for that I am so grateful!

I’m off for a full day of eating, board games, and football. Have a wonderful day! I’ll leave you with this stack that spells THANKFUL! Be sure to stop back tomorrow as I share my Holiday Gift Guide!
To see what I’m up to on the daily, be sure to follow along on Instagram. If you want to read some reviews, head over to the blog! You can also see all the other links on my main book page here.
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