Non Fiction November
Momma Leighellen's Book Suggestions

Anyone else wake up with a post election hangover? Thank goodness it’s Non Fiction November!

There are many reasons I am thankful for the joy of diving into books, but at times like these it’s for diversion, solace, and education.  I am sure I am not alone! It’s apt that November is a month when many of us choose to read nonfiction books. #nonfictionnovember is a chance to continue to grow and learn as a human.  

The stack shown above is my TBR pile for #nonfictionnovember.  Not shown are my two choices The Radium Girls and Down Along with that Devil’s Bones.   I am always drawn to inspirational memoirs as well as books that look back at history so we can continue to move forward into a better space.  I want to leave this world a little brighter than when I came into it and for me that starts with compassion and understanding.

 The books to the right of my TBR pile are all books I have read and enjoyed and encourage you to check out.  They helped me hone in on my gifts, helped shape my thoughts on race + religion, brought me joy, and encouraged me during difficult seasons.  

You can head to my Amazon store to purchase any and all of these books here! To check out more reviews on books I have read, head over TO MY BLOG! To get the latest on new releases and see what daily giveaways I may be hosting, head to MY INSTAGRAM PAGE.

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