My 5 Friday Favs
Momma Leighellen's 5 Favorite Things
Happy Friday, my friends! I thought I’d try at little round of #fridayfavorites to help you #meetthebookstagrammer and get to know me a little more! So here are my Friday Favs for this week!
Coffee: the only thing I love as much as books is coffee! I like it old school, I like it iced, I like it with ice cream, and I like it in a latte. Literally. I’m not a coffeeist. If it’s coffee, I’m in love. I’m having a blast as rep for @fablegroundscoffee because it’s paring my two favorite things – books & coffee! All her roasts have a literary theme! Today I’m drinking my Addie roast. Use my code MOMMA10 to save.

Bookmarks: I am NOT a dog ear. I absolutely LOVE my books so I hate doing something that would be considered “hurting” them. Wierd. I know. I used to use literally anything I have around the house as a bookmark. Think of the oddest thing and I’m sure I’ve used it (bandaid? yep. Toothpick? You know it.). Since joining #bookstagram, I now have about 827 bookmarks spread all around my home! My favorites are from @lauren_naylor_design because they are laminated and when I spill my coffee it doesn’t ruin my book mark! I also love my @book.babe.design bookmarks because she uses a really thick card stock and they are all double sided beauties. Use code MOMMA10 at both their shops to save (they both have stickers, too!)

BOTM: My Friday Favs have to include books, right? I love my Book of the Month subscription! Books literally show up like magic to my door each month. Could it get any better? Especially during a pandemic. I never have to leave my home! I get to pick the books they send, they have all different genres, and even have books that aren’t out yet. You can skip anytime or add on MORE books for only $9.99. I don’t think there’s ever been a month where I’ve gotten less than three books? Want to give it a try? Use the link in my story highlights to save on your first month.

OTF: I am obsessed with Orange Theory. Not in a creepy way. Just in a “i love to push myself and feel healthy” kind of a way. I love that their workouts aren’t boring, that every day is different, and that the trainers know me personally and know how to motivate me. This past year, with schools + sports shut down, we even got our kids involved. It’s been so fun to have the boys
Bookclubs + buddy reads: Why yes, I do want to read with you!! I think the only thing better than reading is reading with friends. I not only host a monthly book club, which now because of my inability to choose or say no, seems to read 3 books a month. But I also love buddy reads. I have been known to be in as many as 5 or 6 a month. It’s craziness but it also inspires me, keeps me motivated, and thanks to deadlines, keeps my reading on track.

So speaking of bookclub. I need to go read. It’s time for #coffeeandcramming because my bookclub chat for The Removed is on Sunday and I haven’t started yet. Welcome to the life that is Leighellen!
QOTD: What’s something that is your favorite?
AOTD: Two of My Friday favs not mentioned above are my custom coffee mug from @amillionlittlepages and my hair bows from @ahumforhope!
Check out my reviews here.