Falling Home
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
Book: Falling Home, Creating a Life that Catches You When You Fall
Publication Date: February 2, 2021
Author: Hallie Lord
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Beloved speaker and radio host Hallie Lord shows how to use unexpected hardships and challenges to build a life that will make you more secure and grounded than ever before.
Hallie Lord understands the upheaval life can bring. From her parents’ divorce when she was a preteen to moving eleven times in fifteen years with her family, the radical changes she faced relentlessly pushed her toward fear and helplessness. Yet by digging into her faith and through much self-reflection, she realized that even though those challenges had left her a bit battered and bruised, they had also equipped her for any difficulty that may arise.
In Falling Home, she describes the four interconnected foundations that now give her strength and security during life’s upheavals:
- committed, supportive friendships,
- healthy family relationships,
- an intimate love affair with God, and
- a compassionate sense of self.
Inviting readers into her hard-fought journey, Lord shows them how they, too, can embrace whatever life brings their way. With lyrical prose and a tender, inviting voice, she shares how hurts and sacrifices are also the groundwork for creating a beautiful life that can catch them whenever they fall.

I am a big fan of non fiction. I love memoirs, how to’s, and any book that is meant to inspire and encourage.
Author Hallie Lord is in the middle of a hot mess right now. Her marriage is struggling and she’s working through what that means. She also has moved about a gazillion times. This book offers insight on how to cope when life throws us curveballs. She also shares how to keep first things first and focus on the important things in life, whatever that is for you since we’re all different.
“I want you to find your inner warrior. I want you to believe in her and free her from bondage. And I want you to love her.”
This book is filled with personal stories of the ways the author’s relationship with God and prayer has helped her, and she wants to help others with what she has learned.
“God can walk into our desires and fulfill them in a million different wonderful and perfectly unique ways. I had been trying to turn God into a magic genie, he had been working on my heart.”

I feel like the book was a little disjointed, which isn’t surprising since this isn’t a look BACK at a difficult time. Hallie is still in the middle of it and going through it, so that uncertainty and disarray comes through in the writing. It’s also not written in a linear way, there’s no real beginning or ending. You could literally start in any chapter and not miss anything.
I also think this book was almost more of Hallie working through her own thoughts an feeling while she’s still processing everything, verses a true “how to” book on how to cope.
With that said, there are a lot of great nuggets of wisdom speak throughout this book. Hallie’s life has been rich and full and she wants to impart what she has learned in a way that helps others. I remember Rick Warren once said “Trouble is like a train. You’re either in the middle of it, heading towards it, or coming out of it.” Hallie is in the middle of it, but even if you aren’t right now, this book can empower you for that time.
“Love given is meant to flow through us and into others. It’s not meant to be greedily consumed and selfishly stockpiled. It’s to be shared, so that it may take root in others where it can heal, strengthen, and nurture. The nature of love, in fact, is to grow and multiply and set the world on fire.”

You can pick up a copy of the book here. To read more of my reviews, check out the rest of my blog. To enter the latest giveaways and see what I’m currently reading, head to my Bookstagram account in IG. And to listen to me chat all things bookish and share my latest reviews, head to my Booktube Channel. The bookmark is from the Etsy shop of The Book Script. The candle is from @booksandetcetera. The wooden bookmark is from Tilisma book accessories! Thank you to TLC Book Tours for the ability to read and review this book!
About the author:
Hallie Lord is the author of On the Other Side of Fear and Falling Home: Creating a Life That Catches You When You Fall, cohost of the Beatbox Gospel podcast, cofounder of Mixi Media, and the mom of eight kids. In her free time she can be found searching for her inner peace on Sephora.com or in the drive-thru lane of the Charleston, SC Starbucks near her home.

Connect with Hallie
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