No Pain, No Gaines
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
Chip Gaines loves to sweat! No Pain, No Gaines releases March 16th from Thomas Nelson Publishing. In his new book, Chip shares how he’s been a hard worker since he was a pint-sized hustler selling candy and Capri Suns down at the public tennis courts in northeast Texas. You’ve probably seen him sweat on his television show, Fixer Upper. He knows hard work yields great results, and wants to encourage you in this book.

Chip Gaines is the co-owner and co-founder of Magnolia. He’s also a NYT bestselling author of The Magnolia Story and Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff. He thrives on reinventing the wheel and is always eager to give back to his community.
Born in Albuquerque and raised in Dallas, Chip is a proud Baylor Bear alum. A natural entrepreneur, Chip started a number of small businesses before hitting it big.

Deep in his bones Chip has always known that hard work yields great results, even when there’s little observable evidence of it. On the cusp of launching their own network—Chip realized that none of it would be possible without his network of people.
If you want a network that will pull you into a life of meaning, a life of joy and connection, you need to be intentional about choosing the people in it. People who are enlivened and electrified by the power of living according to their purpose, who are always in pursuit of lifelong learning, and who have a sincere belief that relationships are more than transactions.
It requires faith in people. It requires hope. And it requires a willingness to grow even when it hurts. From hard-won lessons and personal stories from Chip, No Pain, No Gaines is a by-the-bootstraps manual for building a network you can count on. In his new book: No Pain, No Gaines, Chip shares a few rough parts of his life and how it had an impact and changed him for the better! With great life lessons, mixed with humor, Chip shares how to move forward when things do not go as planned. Chip encourages us all to listen to our inner voice and be authentic. He also shares tips on finding your purpose and how surrounding yourself with people who can help you get there is important.

Do you have a celebrity crush? My answer is always NO because I don’t really watch TV or follow celebrities. But Chip Gaines…he’s like the best dad, a doting husband, and incredibly fun self made man who helps co lead an empire.
So when I was asked to read and review this book, I jumped at the chance! Thank you TLC Book Tours and Thomas Nelson for sending No Pain, No Gaines my way. This book is simple, short, and authentic. I adore how he manages to balance work and home life. His energy is contagious and this book inspiring. No Pain, No Gaines is classic Chip Gaines full of his hyper, fun loving, jack of all trades goodness!
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