The Soulmate Equation
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
“This is part of life. Emergencies and responsibilities and managing small fires all the time. There’s quiet moments, too. Good moments. Moments when we can ask for more.” – Christina Lauren, The Soulmate Equation

Oh friends. This book hit me so hard!! I don’t remember the last time I felt so connected to a character. Years ago, I was a single momma to a sweet little boy and he filled my whole world. Back then, I was working full time in marketing for a global company. My days were so busy, that at night it was all I could do to just curl up with him in his bed and read a book. It was overwhelming but I was also so full of love. I couldn’t imagine wanting any more out of life.
Yet, I also couldn’t imagine dating!! Who had the time? And how does that even work as a single mom? I was not very good at self care in those years and after giving everything to my job and son, there wasn’t much left in the tank.

The Soulmate Equation, was written for weary yet hopeful mommas like me. Single mom Jessica Davis is a data analyst trying to make ends meet while raising her daughter on her own. Her father wasn’t around and her mom’s a hot mess. Thankfully she has good friends and the sweetest grandparents in the world (seriously, they almost stole the book).
Jess ends up spitting in a cup to test out a new DNA dating company that claims to pair you with your soul mates. And paired does she get!!! She ends up paired with the super stubborn, stuck up man known only to her as Americano – he’s a very busy business man that pops into her coffee shop at the exact time each day. He also just so happens to OWN the DNA company!

They decide to try out this dating thing based on the results and OF COURSE the sparks fly. I love it because it’s all just so unexpected for her. But it is for him, too. Isn’t that always the way with love?
The chemistry was off the charts, the addition of her spunky daughter and sweet grandparents really made this book feel well rounded and complete. I’m thankful books are incorporating more unique romantic situations into them that fit all lifestyles and histories.
What’s Next?
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