Faking Christmas
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
“One thing I have learned is that people don’t fill up on love. There’s no brim on the cup. Love overflows. It grows and bubbles over. A person doesn’t reach a capacity for love. Love just is.” – Faking Christmas, A Christmas Escape Novel by Cindy Steel.

Oh friends, this is THE HOLIDAY BOOK to read this season!!
The story follows to rival english teachers that end up at the same resort in Vermonth with their families for the season. The two have the silliest, most charming, wittiest banter that drives the story forward. I loved Olive and all of her insecurities. I adored Miles and is confident patience. And his hams.
“Your man with the fine pair of hams”

This book has everything you love in a holiday romance – an adorable setting full of snow + cheer; outdoor activities that set the holiday tone; witty banter; family drama; and an enemies to lovers trope to warm your heart.
I had the chance to interview author Cindy Steel for an IG Live, so be sure to check that out. Then pick up this book to put you in the holiday spirit!

You can pick up a copy of the book here. To read more of my reviews, check out the rest of my blog. To enter the latest giveaways and see what I’m currently reading, head to my Bookstagram account in IG. And to listen to me chat all things bookish and share my latest reviews, head to my Booktube Channel. To try the book on audio go here!