January Book Club Picks
Momma Leighellen's Book Club
Happy January! It’s time to announce my January Book Club Picks!
Our Book Friends Book club has a new logo and some strong new direction. We are back and bringing you the best discussions on the latest historical fiction and literary fiction books we all love! But in 2023 we are focussing on community, deep discussion, and thoughtful author interviews. Have we got some great book chats in store for you!

This months January Book Club picks are in and we can’t wait to discuss them! One is a literary fiction book filled with family drama. And one is a multigenerational historical fiction novel told from three points of view. Check out the details below and let me know if you want to read with us!
Book One
⭐️ Age of Vice: We love a good family drama and this book has it all! From the dusty villages of Uttar Pradesh to the urban energy of New Delhi, Age of Vice is full of gangsters and lovers, false friendships, forbidden romance, and the consequences of corruption. It’s A BOTM selection for January and GMA bookclub pick! Our group chat will take place on 1/22 on our Discord channel. And author Deepti Kapoor has agreed to join us over zoom to discuss the book when we finish.

Book Two
⭐️ The Night Travelers: This is a gorgeous, multi generational historical fiction drama that follows four generations of women as they experience love, loss, war, and hope. The book takes place over fifty years, from the rise of Nazism in 1931 Berlin to the Cuban Revolution and finally, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1988. Author Armando Lucas Correa has agreed to chat with us when we finish! So don’t miss this wonderful book and discussion. Thank you to Atria Books.

Discussions take place on Discord. Author chat via Zoom. Let me know below if you’d like to join. Both books are also available on Libro.fm audiobooks.
To read more of my reviews, check out the rest of my blog. To enter the latest giveaways and see what I’m currently reading, head to my Bookstagram account in IG. And to listen to me chat all things bookish and share my latest reviews, head to my Booktube Channel.