Yours Truly Review
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
BOOK REVIEW: Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez, coming April 11, 2023.
“The cat did it, motherf-er!” – the parrot, in Yours Truly.
Are you ready to laugh so hard milk comes out your nose?
Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez had me snorting in bed so loud my husband asked me to read passages to him. Then we both stayed awake giggling. Between the swearing parrot, the three legged dog, and the crotchety grandpa trying to sneak smokes – this book has a lot going for it!

“I also enjoy not answering calls, not networking, never leaving the house, and hanging out with my dog.”
Balancing out all the hilarity are deeper themes of anxiety, social disorders, depression, and trust. From medication to therapy, miscarriage to childhood trauma, this book tackles it all with grace and joy and leaves you filled to the brim when you finish.

“We’re all a little broken. We are a mosaic. We’re made of all the parts of us that are colorful and dark and jagged and beautiful.”
The story follows Brianna, an ER nurse, and her new nemesis, Dr. Death. At least that’s what they call the new Dr who Brianna feels is gunning for her promotion. Only he’s not as bad as he seems. Suffering from crippling social anxiety, Jacob doesn’t make a great first impression. But they begin to get to know each other over sticky notes and hand written letters throughout their work day. And a love blossoms that neither one may we ready for.
“He was like a lullaby. A softly spoken word. The smell of coffee and toast in the morning or a cozy fleece blanket.”

This is a beautiful look at what it’s like to overcome loss and change your narrative. I felt so personally connected to this book as I’ve gone through so many of the themes and Brianna reminded me so much of my young self.
“You’ll read it and remember how frightened and unsure you were once. How afraid you were to give yourself to someone, how hard it was to trust again – and you’ll smile.”
Don’t miss this new book coming April 11, 2023!
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