No Two Persons
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
“Each story has it’s own life. At some point, it’s written down. But the story isn’t done because it goes on to live in the reader’s heads, in a way that’s particular to each of them. We’re all caretakers of stories.” – No Two Persons, by Erica Bauermeister.
Oh how I adored this concept. A book within a book. But also an ode to books and book lovers everywhere. This story follows a new novel as it ends up in the hands of several interconnected people along the way. From the writer to the publisher, and multiple readers along the way, we witness the power of the written word.

“Picking up a book was a decision: “I’m going to go way.” The exciting possibility: “I may not come back the same.”
This story is so creative!! I love the ways each reader ends up with a copy of the book and the different ways their particular personality and circumstances makes them connect with it. Each story is fully fleshed out and ends just at that moment of change, which really worked for me. I can see how people who like tidy endings might not love not being able to see each stories conclusion, but for me it was never about them, it was how the book connected them.
“I guess I just like the idea of possibility. Like an invitation, not an answer.”

This is clearly a book for book lovers. With little inside wisdom in to the publishing industry, as well as nods to both booksellers and bookstagrammers, this is a thoughtful look at how books come to us right when we need them. It read like a bunch of interconnecting short stories and I loved it!
“Books spoke to specific people for specific reasons, and it had everything to do with where they were in their lives.”
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