What Kind of Woman
Momma Leighellen's Book Review
Favorite Quote
“You are not a photo, a brand, a character or a show. Nor do you have to choose one or the other: a dream or a dreamer. You may be a woman of commotion and quiet. Magic and brain.” – Moon Song poem, from What Kind of Woman

I’m coming at you with another GIVEAWAY over on Instagram and another review of a book of poetry! The quote above is from one of the many timely, short, relatable poems that speak to the complexity of being a woman in the tiny poetry book What Kind of Woman. This book would make the perfect Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for any woman in your life, of all ages and stages. At just 88 pages, it is small but it’s filled with short, modern one page poems that will resonate with women of all ages. You will feel seen and heard and understood through these writings.

What Kind of Woman dives into the multiple identities women carry from daughter to girlfriend, wife and mother. Each phase along the way is matched with poems packed with feeling. They share the depth of love, pain, emotion, and strife that come with it. This book will resonate with teens desiring to be known, wives who fell less than, and new mothers struggling with no sleep. However, I would have loved for a little more joy and awe. For me, I do think that’s also part of our story, too, but many will connect with the discord. If you aren’t a poetry reader, this is a great entry point into the genre.

“For now just remember: birds sing, babies cry, and no matter the weather, every morning is new.” – For the Advice Cards at Baby Showers, from What Kind of Woman
Thank you to @harperperennial, @katejbaer and @storygramtours for the book and giveaway! You can find out more at Harper Perennial website. Or you can also purchase on Amazon or at listen along at Libro FM. If you’d like to read more reviews, check out the rest of my blog!
#WhatKindofWomanTour #WhatKindofWoman #katejbaer #harperperennial #storygramtours